Why Book Direct

Why Book Direct

Complimentary room Upgrade on Arrival * subject to availability

Best Rate Guaranteed

Book Now Pay Later - No Booking Fee or Deposit required

Free Wifi

Evening Turndown Service

Complimentary Mineral Water

Set in a private 700 acre estate of woodland, rivers and walks in the heart of Connemara Co. Galway

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Waste separation

With the ever changing needs of the business coupled with more innovative products and recycling methods we are continually reviewing our waste streams for areas of improvement.

A recycling and composting program for paper, WEEE, plastic, glass, polystyrene & food waste is implemented in the hotel. All staff have been trained in this and new staff are trained during their induction.

  • Our takeaway cups, sandwich & salad containers for our Garden Café and picnics are fully compostable. ​
  • In an effort to reduce our paper cup usage we have teamed up with 2GoCup and now provide guests the option of a reusable coffee cup.
  • Coffee grounds and tea leaves are sparated and are added to our garden compost
  • Recycling wet amenities through the Clean The World program (body wash/ shampoo/ conditioner).
  • ​WEEE recycling is available onsite. This is available to all guests and staff members to recycle their electrical goods, batteries and lightbulbs.
  • Polystyrene is separated from our main waste streams and stored to be collected by Waste Matters Ireland, a polystyrene recycling company.
  • We have introduced new bins into all our bedrooms to encourage our guests to separate their waste also. The bins have clearly marked compartments for recycling and general waste.
  • We have added new guest information cards in our bedrooms to invite our guests to help us with waste separation.
  • We have donated a number items, no longer used in the hotel, to charity, including furniture and bicycles.
  • Old bed bases and mattresses were recycled through BounceBack Recycling.

We have joined GreenHospitality.ie Plastic Smart program in an effort to remove Single Use Plastic's from the estate. A list of those removed or mitigated can be found here...