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Set in a private 700 acre estate of woodland, rivers and walks in the heart of Connemara Co. Galway

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Natural Wildlife And Habitats

Ballynahinch Castle Hotel is uniquely situated in a 700 acre estate of woodlands, lakes, rivers and gardens. It is also home to huge population of flora and fauna many of which are protected species hence why much of this estate is within a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
The estate is home to native red deer, pine martens, bats, badgers, foxes, a considerable range of bird species, native black honeybee and most famously wild Atlantic salmon to mention but a few. With this in mind we are constantly looking to improve the natural habitats through our invasvie species removal programme.
Some of the efforts include, removing rhododendron, planting native trees, installing bat boxes, salmon conservation policies as well as growing organic vegetables and fruit and planting pollinator friendly gardens. 
We undertake regular litter collections in our environs to help maintain the natural beauty of Connemara. 
In Spring 2024 we installed a number of bat boxes around the estate in an effort to increase the local bat population.