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Set in a private 700 acre estate of woodland, rivers and walks in the heart of Connemara Co. Galway

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Das Ballynahinch Fanggebiet umfasst etwa 17611 Hektar und genießt auf der ganzen Welt den Ruf als einer der besten Fischgründe Irlands. Die unzähligen miteinander verbundenen Seen und Flüsse, die durch den Ballynahinch River gespeist werden, sind ein Eldorado für Fliegenfischer. Der majestätische Fluss, der ausschließlich vom Ballynahinch Castle befischt werden darf, schlängelt sich auf einer Länge von drei Kilometern unterhalb des Schlosses seinen Weg, ehe er bei Bertraghboy Bay, Connemara, ins Meer mündet. Lachse und Meerforellen müssen auf dem Weg zu ihren Laichgründen den Fluss aufwärts schwimmen. Dabei durchqueren sie den Landsitz, auf dem sich das Ballynahinch Castle Hotel befindet, was Ballynahinch den Ruf als einer der besten Fischgründe für Lachse und Meerforellen eingebracht hat. Der ideale Ort also für einen Angelausflug. 

Die Angelsaison beginnt offiziell am 1. Februar und endet am 30. September. Eingeläutet wird die Saison jedoch durch die Ankunft der großen Atlantischen Lachse, die im Durchschnitt 4,5 kg auf die Waage bringen. Die Wanderung der großen Lachse dauert etwa von Anfang/Mitte März bis Mai. In Ballynahinch wird jedoch traditionell im Sommer gefischt. Die meisten Grilse (junge Lachse, die einen Winter im Meer verbracht haben) erreichen die Laichgründe Ende Juni, und bis zum Ende der Angelsaison erreichen täglich weitere Lachse den Laichgrund. Nach irischen Standards sind die Grilse in Ballynahinch sehr groß. Das Durchschnittsgewicht liegt bei etwa 3 kg, gegen Ende der Saison kann das Gewicht bis zu 4 kg betragen. Das im Jahr 2007 verhängte Verbot der Treibnetzfischerei hatte große Auswirkungen auf den Lachsbestand in Ballynahinch. Im ersten Jahr wuchs der Bestand um das Doppelte an. Die Größe der Lachse hat sich im Durchschnitt ebenfalls gesteigert. Dies liegt daran, dass die größeren Fische zu Zeiten der Treibnetzfischerei den Fischern bei der Rückkehr ins Meer ins Netz gingen.

Ballynahinch genoss lange Zeit den Ruf als idealer Fischgrund für Meerforellen. Während der 1990er-Jahre und noch bis vor vier Jahren erfuhr der Bestand dieser erstaunlich lebhaften Tiere eine drastische Reduzierung, die auf die lokalen Lachsfarmen und den dort vorkommenden Parasiten zurückzuführen war. Seit die Zahl der Lachsfarmen im Mündungsgebiet zurückgegangen ist, hat sich der Forellenbestand wieder schnell erholt und die Gewässer werden in naher Zukunft wieder zu einem der führenden Fischgründe werden. Im ersten Jahr der Erholung stiegen die Fangzahlen um das 12-fache. Die beste Fangzeit für Meerforellen ist von Anfang Juni bis Ende Juli.

Genießen Sie im Ballynahinch Castle Hotel in Connemara den besten Angelurlaub, den Irland zu bieten hat!

Method: Fly Fishing Only, Catch & Release 
Season: 1st February – 30th September
Age: No children under the age of 12 are permitted on the fishery

Beginners Fly Fishing Tutorials
For our guests interested in learning how to fly fish, or who are looking for a novel way to spend a morning, why not partake in a half or a full day’s fly fishing tutorial at the hotel with one of our experienced tutors? Whilst you may not become an expert fly fisherman in a morning, the tutorial intends to give the participants a good insight into the basics of fly fishing. There is a maximum of 3 people per tutorial with a minimum age of 12 (Children aged from 12-16 must be accompanied by an adult). It is imperative to book fly fishing tutorials in advance to avoid disappointment. Participants are taught how to set up their tackle correctly, cast competently, learn which flies to use and much more. The tutorial commences on the where initial casting techniques begin. Later in the session, the students are taken to the river where they will put their skills into practice.

Half Day Tutorial (3 hours)  Full Day Tutorial (6 Hours) 
10am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm 10am to 5pm
x1 person: €220x1 person: €250
€90 per person thereafter€110 per person thereafter

We recommend a maximum of three people per tutorial, please contact our reservation team to determine how best to accommodate you.
Method: Fly Fishing Only, Catch & Release 
Season: 1st February – 30th September
Age: No children under the age of 12 are permitted on the fishery

For those who have fly fished before, why not try fishing with one of our qualified guides? Included in the price is your one day fishing license, equipment hire, wellington boots & flies. We recommend a maximum of two anglers per guide, however if there are more in your group, please contact our reservations team to determine how best to accommodate you.

 Guided Fishing  Half Day (3 Hours)  Full Day (6 Hours) 
  10am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm  10am to 5pm
 Guided River Fishing  x1 person: €220 x1 person: €240 
  €100 per person thereafter €120 per person thereafter 
*Please note: To avoid being disappointed, please ensure that you reserve your fishing guide prior to your arrival. Guides for evening session are limited.
Method: Fly Fishing Only, Catch & Release
Season: 1st February – 30th September
Age: No children under the age of 12 are permitted on the fishery

For those with previous fly fishing experience, we are very happy for you to fish the river without a guide. Guests are provided with fishery maps and allocated a beat by the fishery manager in the morning. Included in the price is your one day fishing license, equipment hire, wellington boots & flies. We recommend a maximum of two anglers per beat, however if there are more in your group, please contact our reservations team to determine how best to accommodate you.

Self Guided River Fishing Half Day (3 Hours) Full Day (6 Hours) 
 10am to 1pm or 2pm to 5pm 10am to 5pm
Self Guided River Fishing €130 per person€150 per person
(Salmon & trout)  

This really is the perfect location for a fly fishing vacation in Ireland. The river is well developed and easily accessible. The fishing beats are either a short stroll from the Castle or a small drive downstream where you will never be more than 5 minutes walk from your car. Over 70 casting piers were constructed on difficult throws when His Highness, The Maharaja Jam Sahib of Nawanagar, better known as Ranji, owned the fishery. Casting piers and fishing huts on the seven beats on the river enable anglers of all ages and experience to enjoy fishing at Ballynahinch.

All fishing at Ballynahinch is by fly only. This should not however deter anglers who have never fly fished before. Experienced guides are available to teach all aspects of the sport and make your Ballynahinch fishing experience all the more enjoyable. Fishing is let by the beat and may be reserved on an individual basis or shared with a partner. Anglers are moved downstream on a half-day rotation to ensure a maximum amount of water is covered during the day.
The season officially opens on 1st February and extends to the 30th September. The effective season, however, begins with a small run of large spring salmon, averaging 10lbs, during the month of May. Ballynahinch is, however, traditionally a summer fishery. The main run of grilse (salmon that have been at sea for one winter) appears in early June with fresh fish continuing to turn up until the last day of the season. The Ballynahinch grilse are traditionally very large, by Irish standards, averaging 5-7lbs with grilse up to 8lbs being caught late in the season.
The season officially opens on 1st February and extends to the 30th September. The effective season, however, begins with a small run of large spring salmon, averaging 10lbs, during the month of May. The main run of grilse (salmon that have been at sea for one winter) appears in early June with fresh fish continuing to turn up until the last day of the season. The Ballynahinch grilse are traditionally very large, by Irish standards, averaging 5-7lbs with grilse up to 8lbs being caught late in the season. There are also a few areas on the river where anglers can fish for resident brown trout by wet fly, dry fly or upstream nymphing. Sea Trout are also abundant with the best time to catch these stunningly energetic fish is from early June until mid-July.
Our river is home to wild Brown Trout and during the season is visited by spawning Salmon and Sea Trout. Below is a guide that suggests the best time of year for each species:

Salmon – Mid-May to September - catch and release.
Sea Trout – June to August - Catch and release.
Brown Trout – May to Mid-September - Catch and release.

Salmon Flies: €4.50 each
Trout Flies: €2.50 each

Rod Breakage: €30
The Ballynahinch system of interconnecting lakes, streams and rivers has a large capacity of producing young salmon and trout before they make their journey to the sea. To maintain this healthy state of affairs, the Ballynahinch Catchment Management Programme has been set up to ensure that the system will continue to have high levels of productivity for a long time into the future.
Ballynahinch Castle is a mere thirty-minute drive to Europe’s premier wild brown trout fishery. Anglers flock from all over the world to fish on this great lake and especially during the famous mayfly fishing in early summer. 
Large ferox (cannibal) trout of up to 20lbs are caught every year on deep lures and fish up to 5lbs can be caught on the wet fly, dry fly or dapping. Daily fishing packages can be organised from Ballynahinch with local guides and a full picnic lunch provided. Early booking is advised during the mayfly season.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is possible to learn how to fly fish at Ballynahinch Castle?
What is the catchment area of the Ballynahinch Fishery?
Where is the best place to fish trout on the Ballynahinch Castle Fishery?
Is Ballynahinch Castle Hotel a good location for a fishing holiday?
Where are the best fishing holidays in Ireland?
What is the average size of a salmon on the Ballynahinch Fishery?
What fishing options are available in Ballynahinch Castle Hotel?